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Remember how we touched on some event ‘must-haves’ for planning an agenda in the previous chapter? These features form part of a framework for holding a feminist conversation space! When we start to integrate an awareness of power, practices of care and an attention to safety into our agenda, we set the scene for a conversation space that is fun, in-depth, creative and engaging for all folks participating!

This chapter is for you if:

  • There are sensitive topics you would like to discuss, but are unsure of how to do so safely

  • You are worried conversations will lack depth, because participants might feel uncomfortable sharing with other participants they do not know

  • You want to learn more about navigating power and privilege in conversations

  • You are interested in process, and want examples of different conversation methods

  • You’re looking for practical activities for practising collective care during your event

Curious to get started? In this chapter we will look at:

Feminist principles for holding space The principles in practice!
  1. Awareness of power

  2. Integrating care

  3. Attention to safety

  4. Principles for participation

  5. Get to know each other!

  1. Stories as pathways

  2. Open space conversation method

  3. Ecosystem dialogue